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Festive treats from our wedding caterers December 20, 2017

Festive treats from our wedding caterers


We’re incredibly lucky to work with some fantastic caterers here at Combermere Abbey, and with the festive season upon us we decided to catch up with them to get their favourite Christmas recipes this season. John at Olive Tree has some fantastic recipes for easy to prepare, but deliciously different nibbles, Sophia at Gorilla has a fabulously festive cocktail for us, and Louise from Pickled Walnut shows us how to use up those inevitable leftovers.

John Trelfa, Olive Tree Catering

For me, nothing says ‘Christmas’ like indulging in a pre-dinner party nibble with a glass of bubbly. Whether you’re cooking for two or 20, the key to starters is prepping in advance – make sure there’s space in the fridge and chop all your ingredients to have everything ready to go before you start cooking.

Cranberry and Brie Arancini

Serves 4

For Rice Balls

210g Arborio rice

90g white onion, finely chopped

1ltr vegetable stock

1 bay leaf

100g Somerset brie

100g cranberry sauce

2g salt

Pinch of pepper

For Pane

120g dried breadcrumbs

2 eggs, beaten

120ml whole milk

70g plain flour

Fry the onion with a little oil gently in a medium sauce pan.

Place the rice, vegetable stock, salt, pepper and bay leaf into the pan with the lid on and simmer on a low heat for approximately 20 minutes; stirring occasionally until the rice has absorbed the stock, then chill overnight.

When cold, divide the rice into approximately 80-90g balls.

Flatten the rice ball and put around 10g of Brie and 10g of cranberry sauce into the middle of the rice. Then gently wrap the rice around the filling.

Chill for 25-30 minutes.

Roll the balls through the seasoned flour then the egg wash then the breadcrumbs until fully coated.

Place in a hot fryer (180°C) and fry for 6 minutes until golden brown.

Drain onto kitchen paper.

Serve with dressed rocket, sweet onion marmalade or tomato chutney.

Sophia Holden, Gorilla Events

Want to wow your guests with something a little more than a Buck’s Fizz on arrival? Christmas is a fantastic time of year to experiment with new flavours, and there’s so many great seasonal British fruits which you can take advantage of!

Spiced Pear Tipple

Makes 1 cocktail

25ml pear purée

25ml apple juice

37.5ml spiced rum

12.5ml pear liqueur

A squeeze of fresh lime

This recipe really couldn’t be simpler (ideal for when you’re juggling cooking the food at the same time!) Just pour all of the ingredients in a Boston tin and shake, then strain into a rocks glass over ice. Garnish with a slice of fresh pear & lightly dust with cinnamon.

Louise McGoff, Pickled Walnut Catering

You’ve cooked the turkey, roasted the potatoes and wrapped the pigs in their blankets – Christmas day dinner was a roaring success! But now you find yourself staring at mounds of leftover food that must be eaten over the next few days. If you can’t quite face a week of turkey sandwiches, never fear – we’ve shared our top leftover recipes…

Festive Bubble and Squeak cakes

Serves 4

These are a great way to use up the vegetables left from Christmas dinner. Perfectly served for brunch on Boxing day with some crisp bacon and softly poached eggs!

8 roasted potatoes – grated

12 sprouts – cut into quarters

100g cooked carrots – roughly chopped

100g roasted parsnips – roughly chopped

1 tsp whole grain mustard

50g melted butter

pinch salt and pepper

1 tbsp olive oil

plain flour

Place all of the prepared ingredients into a mixing bowl and mash together using your hands. Turn the mixture out onto a chopping board and divide this into four equal portions. Lightly flour your hands and mould the mixture into cakes. Allow these to chill in the fridge to firm up for 30 minutes. Remove from the fridge and heat a non-stick frying pan with the olive oil in it. Place the four cakes into the hot pan and allow them to colour on all sides. Fry over a moderate heat and the cakes are ready to serve after five minutes.

Christmas Mess

Serves 4

It’s always the case that there’s Christmas pudding leftover – so many guests can’t fit any more food in after the main meal! Don’t let a crumb go to waste and whip up this old school favourite with a twist.

300ml whipping cream

1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste

1 tbsp icing sugar

150 g crumbled Christmas pudding

25 ml brandy or rum

1 orange – zest

red currants – garnish

Place the whipping cream, vanilla bean paste and icing sugar into a bowl. Whisk the cream until it can hold its own weight. Soak the crumbled Christmas pudding in the rum or brandy and allow the alcohol to soak in. Gentle fold the alcohol soaked pudding into the cream. Spoon into chilled glasses and allow to chill in the fridge for 30 mins, to allow the flavours to develop. Garnish with some red currants and orange zest.

To find out more about the amazing food and drink you could have on your wedding day here, check out our Catering and Bar page and see our fantastic suppliers.


5 Wedding Gifts That Make Perfect Presents  December 11, 2017

5 Wedding Gifts That Make Perfect Presents 

Updated 20.12.2022

Traditionally, wedding gifts were designed to help newlyweds fill their new home with useful, everyday essentials. Nowadays, with the majority of couples living together before they get married, the traditional kettle and toaster gift has been left feeling… well, a little redundant.

Whilst requesting money toward a dream honeymoon is a logical approach, this can leave some guests feeling a little uncomfortable. Cash gifts can be seen as impersonal and could make some friends or family feel obligated to give more than they might otherwise have spent.

Here’s our roundup of ‘wedding gift ideas with a difference’ to help you compile a gift registry that inspires and delights.


1. A special experience

Once the wedding high has begun to wear off, you’ll be thankful for something new to look forward to without the added stress of trying to find something affordable.

Spa vouchers, an adrenaline-filled experience for two, hot air balloon experience or romantic dinner at a special restaurant are all great gift ideas that you can share with your guests. You could even explore cookery classes or an alternative learning experience that will provide plenty of great stories to share with loved ones after the event.


2. Something for the garden

Whilst you may have everything you need for inside, outside spaces often take a backseat when it comes to prioritising household budgets.

Why not ask guests to help you kit out your garden with a special water feature, hanging pots or planters, gardening essentials or even a super comfy garden chair. Special trees or shrubs can also be an excellent gift and everlasting memory of your wedding day.


3. Personalised artwork

Request a commissioned watercolour of your wedding venue or painting of you as a couple to hang in your home. Guests could even make an anonymous donation toward a piece of artwork or sculpture you’d like to buy, directly with the gallery or seller.

Alternatively, scheduling a photo session with your wedding photographer for a year after your wedding day is another beautiful idea for a wedding gift that enables your guests to see how their gift has been received and appreciated.


4. Luggage

Ok, so not exactly a new idea but its a great one. Why not ask guests to chip in and buy you both some super stylist luggage?

Suitcases – both hold and hand luggage – aren’t necessarily something you treat yourselves to. So why not set up a collection so that family members can contribute toward something that will make you both feel special as you take off on your honeymoon in style. You’ll enjoy these handy gifts for years to come.


5. Stay another night at Combermere Abbey!

Of course, if you’re getting married at our beautiful Combermere Abbey and don’t want to leave right away, you could put an extended stay at our honeymoon suite on your gift list. Spend another evening relaxing and winding down from all of the wedding excitement before you set off on your honeymoon.


The Greatest Gifts are the Memories You’ll Take Away

Whether physical gift or experience, these wedding gift ideas are sure to conjure up incredible memories of your special day and help you create new ones.

Find out more about holding your perfect wedding at Combermere Abbey by getting in touch with us today.

June weddings in bloom at Combermere Abbey October 16, 2017

June weddings in bloom at Combermere Abbey


“Marry when June roses grow, over land and sea you’ll go.”

A recent stroll around our gardens got us thinking about the beauty of June weddings, when our stunning roses are fully in bloom. What could be more romantic than a backdrop of roses, ambling down over the walls of the garden in your wedding photos – not to mention the floral scents to signal that summer has truly arrived.

The popularity of June weddings originates far back in history. The month of June was named after Juno, the goddess of marriage and childbirth and the Romans held festivals to celebrate her on the first day of June. In the 15th century, weddings would usually take place in June as people would have their annual baths in May – bouquets would be held by brides to keep them smelling fresh. Of course, this is not why we choose June weddings in the 21st century, but it’s certainly interesting to step back in time.

Did you know that the Combermere roses, grown on the estate, are completely unique? As the Abbey was originally founded as a monastery in 1133 by Hugh de Malbanc, Lord of Nantwich, our roses have special religious names, including: Winchester Cathedral, St. Swithens, The Nun, The Bishop, Dreaming Spires and Rambling Rector.

When the summer sun starts to warm the earth, our gardens boast an array of colours as the roses bloom. If you love the deep red roses or the tinkled pink kind – you’ll have plenty of choice for your photo opportunities. If roses are your wedding flowers of choice, have you thought about extending the theme to the groom and his groomsman? A single rose can be worn as a boutonnière, bringing a colourful and romantic touch to their wedding suits. You can take further advantage of your summer wedding and incorporate roses into your centre pieces at your reception as well to capture aura of love in the air.

It’s not just the dazzling looks of the bright June roses which make them the ultimate romantic bloom, the different colours are also symbolic! The red rose symbolises passion, white roses mean innocence whilst pink roses represent admiration, grace; gladness and joy. More vibrant colours such as the yellow roses symbolise care and friendship, whilst orange roses signify passion and energy. Roses are so incredibly versatile – there’s a colour and an emotion to suit every couple’s wedding.

If you’re looking for the ultimate romantic wedding immersed in floral scents and beautiful colours, get in touch with our team today to discuss late availability for June.


Creative ways to pop the question September 25, 2017

Creative ways to pop the question

Here at Combermere Abbey, we see a lot of weddings – and recently we’ve been casting our minds to how these happy couples got engaged in the first place. If you’re thinking of popping the question yourself, but want to do something a little more unusual, read on…

Under the Sea

Proposals on holiday can always be romantic, but how can it truly stand out? Imagine getting engaged under the sea – and who knows, maybe a singing crab will wish you well! Choose somewhere you can organise a private scuba diving session. Of course, you’ll need to liaise with the diving company to confirm that they’re happy to help with your underwater proposal! The more diving instructors present, the better as they will provide plenty of distraction as you prepare for the big moment. A romantic touch would be to use flash cards detailing the story of how you met your significant other – the last card being the proposal! The bride-to-be below thought she was going on a spontaneous diving trip – in fact it had been planned for weeks, along with a lighting crew and someone to hold the ring (complete with light up box)!

Hidden Engagement Ring

We recently read about a very creative proposal which clearly had a lot of thought put into it and planning. An Australian man made a necklace for his girlfriend – carved out of Huon pine and inside, he hid her engagement ring.  She wore it every day for a year and a half without realising, until her boyfriend cracked it open and proposed! Once your partner gets over the initial surprise that they’ve been “wearing” their engagement ring the whole time – we’re sure that it’ll be received as a truly romantic gesture!

Picture Perfect Proposal

Are you a couple with an appreciation for art and have a specific place that you’ll always associate with each other?  For example, if you’re planning on proposing at your favourite beach, make a day of it – take a picnic and some bubbly (ready for celebrating)! Have a graphic art print commissioned to depict the day and the exact moment you propose. Hand it to them in an envelope and have the ring waiting to pop the big question! This can be followed up with a “they said yes” print – which will count as a wonderful memory of the beginning of your life together.

Scavenger Hunt

Are you looking for a proposal idea that gets your family or friends involved? Organise a scavenger hunt where everyone competes against each other, of course the catch is – there can only be one winner! The last clue of the hunt can be a letter about how much your partner means to you – this could be quite the surprise if they have no idea what the day is really about. Then you can appear out of nowhere, ready to propose! Alternatively, the last clue could lead them to a special place that means a lot to both of you where you can finally ask them ‘will you marry me?’

Rose Garden Proposal

Alternatively, you can treat your loved one to a romantic stay at one of our beautiful Combermere cottages – you can even enjoy your own private spa treatments  whilst you’re here. There’s also the stunning North Wing, which is rich with history and home to our boutique B&B where you’ll be treated to excellent service from Sue or Stephan. If this wasn’t romantic enough, the gardens of Combermere Abbey are the perfect setting for a marriage proposal. We’re thinking particularly of the walled gardens, especially when the roses are in full bloom – covering the walls in vivid colours and filling the air with their delicate scents. There can be nothing more romantic than re-living the magical moment of getting engaged by getting married in the very place you proposed!

Whichever way you choose to propose to the love of your life – we’re sure it will be perfect for you.  All of these different ways of asking ‘may I have your hand in marriage?’ has got us thinking about the beauty of May weddings.  With the gardens in full bloom and the promise of fresh spring country air, there really is nothing like a May wedding here at Combermere Abbey.  If you’ve recently got engaged (or soon will be!), get in touch with our wedding team to find out more about late spring availability.

Bring your spring wedding to life with wildflowers August 24, 2017

Bring your spring wedding to life with wildflowers


Gone are the days of seemingly identical wedding bouquets and floral table displays, indistinguishable from one another – today brides can let their creative flair run free with a huge range of different colours, scents and textures. A trend which we’ve seen gain popularity at Combermere Abbey over the last few years has been choosing native wildflowers for your big day – something we just can’t get enough of!

Britain is home to thousands of native wildflower species, from the delicate honeysuckle to the vibrant cornflower. If you’re looking for subtle, muted tones, forget-me-nots and cuckoo flowers are a perfect pastel-inspired combination. For big pops of bold colour, take a look at scarlet pimpernels, sweet violets and Welsh poppies.

The benefits of using native British wildflowers on your wedding day lies not only in their stunningly gentle beauty, but also in the knowledge that you’re helping to preserve and promote flowers which are threatening to become endangered. Back in April, The Telegraph reported that many of the country’s native wildflowers and plants were on the verge of extinction – so what better way to encourage their popularity by displaying them for your guests’ delight on your wedding day?

The best way to make your wildflower bouquets and displays reflect their natural and primitive beauty is to interweave them with native greenery as well. In the countryside, wildflowers grow amidst the rest of nature – the grass and moss, leaves and bushes. Sprigs of fern, ash and rowan are ideal for framing your graceful wildflower displays.

By far our favourite of all the wildflowers has to be bluebells. With almost 50% of the global population of bluebells right here in the UK, it is the quintessentially British wildflower. Every April here at Combermere Abbey, our woodland’s floor is covered in a rich carpet and blue and purples hues.

The spring bluebells transform the grounds into a fairy-tale setting, and couples can even have their photos taken amongst the thousands of dainty flowers in the charming woodland leading down to the lake with the dappled sunlight peeking through the trees to create the perfect romantic shot.

If you’re looking for a whimsical, enchanting backdrop to your wedding, get in touch with our team today to discuss late availability for April 2018!


Alternative Wedding Cakes That Will Wow Your Guests August 21, 2017

Alternative Wedding Cakes That Will Wow Your Guests


You know what they say, ‘a party without cake is just a meeting’; which is why one wedding tradition that has stayed strong across the years is the show-stopping wedding cake at the reception. From capturing the guest’s attention to cutting it and taking that first bite, the intricate designs, sculptured white icing and traditional three-tier height, it all kindles invaluable special moments for the happy couple. But, the white-glazed fruit tower is no longer a typical wedding cake style – here at Combermere Abbey, we’ve seen (and tasted!) an array of ‘alternative’ wedding cakes, that for us, have created even more special, irreplaceable moments.

From the one-tiered, to the chandeliered, to the pork pie cakes (yes, you read that right!), alternative is the new traditional, so if you’re in need of some cake-spiration, look no further! We’ve rounded up some of the best cakes (in our humble opinion) that we’ve come across. Note; do not read on an empty stomach…

Naked Cakes:

A big trend that is inspiring couples this year is the naked cake. Not as risqué as it sounds though (guests don’t need to be alarmed!); a naked cake is simply one without icing. You may not think that such a cake could be dressed up suitably for a wedding, but with some fresh fruit, floral décor, and a dusting of icing sugar, this cake will be the best dressed in the room; a stunning combination of classic Victoria sponge with a rustic ambience.

Cheese Cakes:

No, we’re not talking about your traditional buttery biscuit-based Philadelphia staple, but a literal tower of flavoursome cheese. But a cheese cake doesn’t mean that your guests will be staring at a yellow rainbow of cheese blocks, but rather, a rustic (often waxed edge) cheese, laden with fresh, complimentary fruits (we love the pomegranates below), and a sprig of seasoning. Teamed up with vintage accessories – check the cut-out hearts below – and sat on top of a classic wooden serving board, these cakes are simply in-cheddar-ble.

The (Cup) cake:

Worried about whether there will be enough to go around? Worry no more! With cupcake cakes, guests are able to help themselves to a pre-portioned taste. However, the magic of cutting the cake and making that all important wish is still possible, with the top tier holding a small sandwich cake.

Ombre wedding cakes:

Ombre wedding cakes are perfect for those who have a tri-colour scheme. While an ombre cake mostly incorporates the traditional three tier structure, it can be done with just the one, but the truly show off an incredible blend of colours, we suggest you opt for the three tiers (plus more cake!).

Whilst these are just a few of the exceptional ‘alternative’ wedding cakes that we’ve come across, we’re certain that whatever cake you opt for, including the traditional type, it will compliment your big day. And remember, if ever you need a taste tester before serving to guests, there are always Combermere staff to be found across the venue! To take a look at more inspiration, head on over to our Pinterest board.


The essential honeymoon style guide June 27, 2017

The essential honeymoon style guide


You’re about to start the beginning of the rest of your life on your honeymoon. But what to take? We’ve put together a few tips on how to travel in style, really there’s no other way.

Want to look your most glam when you walk into arrivals but don’t want to take all of your make up collection in your hand luggage? The solution? This compact has all the essentials…The Laura Geller ‘Glam On The Glow’ palette has three eyeshadows, a highlighter, a blusher and a lip gloss. Perfect for touching up your make up before you make your descent!

No one likes getting dehydrated on flights and we’re pretty sure your skin isn’t a fan of the dry cabin air either, especially on a long-haul flight. Skin tries to counteract the effects by producing more oil which is why a skincare routine is even more important in flight. The Mario Badescu Herbal Hydrating Serum will help your skin stay fresh, dewy and healthy – as well as being the perfect base for your foundation. Don’t let dehydration spoil your right to travel in style!

On the subject of style, why not treat your passport to a Bespoke case from Anya Hindmarch. You can even have it personalised with your initials, handwritten messages or pictures. It’s the perfect way to create memories of your honeymoon and future travelling adventures with your new spouse.

To go with that seriously smart passport holder, you definitely deserve to house your holiday wardrobe with gorgeous designer luggage like the Hulla Oriental Blossom suitcase from Ted Baker. You certainly won’t lose track of it when you’re waiting at baggage reclaim, it’ll be the most envy-inducing suitcase in the airport. If pink hues aren’t your thing, you can get your hands on the Terina version which features butterflies and jewels.

Whichever way you choose to ooze style on your honeymoon we have every faith that it’ll be magical, now go book those plane tickets!


Wedding inspiration from the Met Gala 2017 May 23, 2017

Wedding inspiration from the Met Gala 2017

It’s one of the most glamourous events of the year, and there were bridal inspirations abound at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s 2017 Met Gala. This year’s theme was ‘Comme de Garçons’ in honour of 74-year-old Japanese designer Rei Kawakubo, and Rihanna fully embraced the theme of bright colours and statement gowns. However, most famous faces opted for simpler neutral and pastel shade gowns, notably: Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow and Vogue editor Anna Wintour.

Always a much-anticipated Met Gala regular, Rihanna stunned the crowd with layer upon layer of bold and bright floral print. Will we be seeing more layered styles in wedding dresses? It would certainly seem that Marchesa are taking the lead in this trend, with their Spring 2018 boasting luxurious layers of embroidery and lace:

Although some criticised the lack of bold choice and daring fashion, it hinted towards the season’s trends and provided further inspiration for those destined for weddings in the spring and summer. Ever one to break social convention, Kim Kardashian arrived at the Gala in a simple white off-the-shoulder dress with bow detailing by Vivienne Westwood, accompanied by open-toe flat sandals. We can certainly see Kim starting a trend for off the shoulder gowns, just like this stunningly simple ruffled sleeve dress by Martina Liana:

Despite going against the theme of Kawakubo’s extravagant art pieces, it’s no surprise that the common choices of gown for the Met Gala were softer, feminine colours such as Gwyneth Paltrow’s pastel pink Raf Simons number. They’re just in time for spring and a great inspiration for bridesmaids, who are rarely dressed in anything but delicate colours to accentuate the bride’s gown. With millennial pink showing no sign of slowing down in popularity, perhaps we’ll be seeing more pops of pink taking over the traditional lilacs in bridesmaids’ dresses – like this eye popping Monique Lhuillier number:

Here at Combermere Abbey, we just can’t wait to see how the fashions at the Met Gala might influence the styles of our couples and guests – we’ll have to keep our eyes peeled!

Get in touch with us today to see how we could help you create your perfect wedding at Combermere Abbey.

Weddings are in fashion again! October 31, 2016

Weddings are in fashion again!


Here at Combermere Abbey’s weddings office, we just love facts and figures, and a new and up-to-date compendium of statistics about marriage and weddings in the UK has just landed – so we’re wasting no time in sharing them with you.

Firstly, marriage is getting more and more popular. It dipped a few years ago, but the latest figure is up by more than 5%. There were 301,254 weddings annually at the last count – up from around 270,000 six years ago. Historically, the year with by far the highest number of marriages was 1940, when well over half a million couples tied the knot before the husband went off to war.

There were almost 32,000 weddings in Greater London, but relative to the size of the population that wasn’t in fact very many. On a proportional basis the local authority area where marriage is most popular is Dumfries and Galloway in southern Scotland. Yes really. Argyll and Bute, slightly further north, came next. Our region, Cheshire East, was pretty high up, coming in at fourteenth.

Within the larger regions, Scotland topped the table, followed by the West Country. Despite the popularity of marriage round here, the region where there were fewest weddings was the North West of England.

All of 55% of weddings took place on a Saturday, with Friday next on 20%. Tuesday and Wednesday tied on 4% each as the least popular days (so click here to see our great midweek marriage offer for next year). August was the most popular month, with January the least favourite. On average the groom was 33.3 years old, and the bride 30.9. In all, 67% of weddings were civil ceremonies, 21% Church of England, 7% Roman Catholic, and 5% other faiths.

Curiously, one thing that isn’t mentioned in the statistics is how very popular Combermere Abbey is with brides and grooms-to-be (and their guests), nor how beautifully romantic a wedding at the Abbey is – nor indeed how very hard our weddings staff work to make sure that you have the perfect day. Perhaps the figures are just off the scale! Click here to go to the weddings section of our wedding and read all about it.