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Creative ways to pop the question

Inspiration – 25.09.17

Here at Combermere Abbey, we see a lot of weddings – and recently we’ve been casting our minds to how these happy couples got engaged in the first place. If you’re thinking of popping the question yourself, but want to do something a little more unusual, read on…

Under the Sea

Proposals on holiday can always be romantic, but how can it truly stand out? Imagine getting engaged under the sea – and who knows, maybe a singing crab will wish you well! Choose somewhere you can organise a private scuba diving session. Of course, you’ll need to liaise with the diving company to confirm that they’re happy to help with your underwater proposal! The more diving instructors present, the better as they will provide plenty of distraction as you prepare for the big moment. A romantic touch would be to use flash cards detailing the story of how you met your significant other – the last card being the proposal! The bride-to-be below thought she was going on a spontaneous diving trip – in fact it had been planned for weeks, along with a lighting crew and someone to hold the ring (complete with light up box)!

Hidden Engagement Ring

We recently read about a very creative proposal which clearly had a lot of thought put into it and planning. An Australian man made a necklace for his girlfriend – carved out of Huon pine and inside, he hid her engagement ring.  She wore it every day for a year and a half without realising, until her boyfriend cracked it open and proposed! Once your partner gets over the initial surprise that they’ve been “wearing” their engagement ring the whole time – we’re sure that it’ll be received as a truly romantic gesture!

Picture Perfect Proposal

Are you a couple with an appreciation for art and have a specific place that you’ll always associate with each other?  For example, if you’re planning on proposing at your favourite beach, make a day of it – take a picnic and some bubbly (ready for celebrating)! Have a graphic art print commissioned to depict the day and the exact moment you propose. Hand it to them in an envelope and have the ring waiting to pop the big question! This can be followed up with a “they said yes” print – which will count as a wonderful memory of the beginning of your life together.

Scavenger Hunt

Are you looking for a proposal idea that gets your family or friends involved? Organise a scavenger hunt where everyone competes against each other, of course the catch is – there can only be one winner! The last clue of the hunt can be a letter about how much your partner means to you – this could be quite the surprise if they have no idea what the day is really about. Then you can appear out of nowhere, ready to propose! Alternatively, the last clue could lead them to a special place that means a lot to both of you where you can finally ask them ‘will you marry me?’

Rose Garden Proposal

Alternatively, you can treat your loved one to a romantic stay at one of our beautiful Combermere cottages – you can even enjoy your own private spa treatments  whilst you’re here. There’s also the stunning North Wing, which is rich with history and home to our boutique B&B where you’ll be treated to excellent service from Sue or Stephan. If this wasn’t romantic enough, the gardens of Combermere Abbey are the perfect setting for a marriage proposal. We’re thinking particularly of the walled gardens, especially when the roses are in full bloom – covering the walls in vivid colours and filling the air with their delicate scents. There can be nothing more romantic than re-living the magical moment of getting engaged by getting married in the very place you proposed!

Whichever way you choose to propose to the love of your life – we’re sure it will be perfect for you.  All of these different ways of asking ‘may I have your hand in marriage?’ has got us thinking about the beauty of May weddings.  With the gardens in full bloom and the promise of fresh spring country air, there really is nothing like a May wedding here at Combermere Abbey.  If you’ve recently got engaged (or soon will be!), get in touch with our wedding team to find out more about late spring availability.